Sunday, February 01, 2009

One of the things I wanted to do this time is record how I am feeling and what any symptoms are.

When I got home from the hospital Monday evening I felt sick.  Bouncing around in the car during rush hour is just not something I was ready for again.  Last time the car ride made me nauseous too. 

They had brought my supper to me in the hospital while we were awaiting to see if I was to be discharged and I decided to eat some of it.  Good thing as by the time we made it home to Jenn's I did not feel like eating.  The feeling involves a neck ached that upsets my stomach and may also involve a brain ache.  Jenn game me 2 extra strength tylenol and a warm cup of tee and together along with a dose of the grandkids I started to feel better.  

When evening came I was tired and did not have any trouble getting to sleep but did not sleep completely through the night.  Do I ever at this age?

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