Tuesday, March 28, 2006

In late Janurary I went to an Optometrist to have him examine my eyes. He was intent on selecting a stronger lens to correct my vision weakness. I finally made him understand it was not that I was having trouble seeing but that I was loosing letters on posters and signs.

When I would look at the screen with the left eye I would only see the letter E. None of the letters in blue were visible. If I moved my head or strained the letter Z might have become visible.

When I would look at the screen with the right eye I would see the letter Q & R.

When I looked at an eye chart at the visual clinic on MArch 15th I saw the letters on the opposite side of the chart with the opposite eye. So with the left eye I might see E, P, Z, D etc. With the right eye I might see E, F, T, L. The center of the chart was missing.

If I was to look in the mirror and cover up one eye then I could see the outline of my face but if I looked directly at the eye being used I would see only a dark gray piece where the eye should be.

From that point I waited a couple of weeks to see if things improved. When there was none I asked to have blood samples drawn to check for Diabetes among other things. These tests proved fruitless.

I was uncertain what to do now. It was early March and my eyesight was getting worse. I was nervous to drive a car. I was feeling stress - unable to make a decision about what to do. Luckily I took on an extra assignment at work. Because of the stress I was feeling I could not complete this assignment. This is out caracter for me. It demonstrated a need that I was repressing to find out what my problem was. I needed help to repair this problem or help in adjusting to a new way of life.

On March 12th I called the healthlink servce for advice. They were fantastic. After a 40 minute discussion of my symptoms and my past health history they advised me to head to emergency service. It was a relief to hear this. As funny as it sounds to have confirmation that there was something wrong with me.

The healthlink service is very professional. The nurse that talks to you has access to every call you have made to the service. This can be helpful to help you arrange dates and times of your past health history to take to emergency at the hospital. You never know what information may assist the doctor and you want to get the dates right. They will advise you to take a health history with you.

I headed off to Rockyview Emergency.


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